Find a solution how to break through the situation

Jan 6, 2021

The happiest thing yesterday was that I found a solution how to overcome lethargy, which is writing three things about my feelings. And today is the first day to start.

The most regretting thing yesterday was that I slept on my bed without completing my plan — finalizing my application for a company who even nicely replied back to me. I am always talking about what i want to be, but what i have done is not enough comparing to the objective. That is my biggest hurting point nowadays.

Today, I will complete my application, which is a small step to get closer to my objective and happiness. Rather than regretting things I dind’t do and get stressed, I will kick my ass to move and do things. Stop thinking, move!




I would like to share my daily life and it would be good if I can encourage and give motivation to readers to enjoy happy and satisfying life :)